Becoming a member


We invite all the friends of our twin cities and of the institutions cooperating with them to support our work by becoming a member of the Friends of the Twinning Association. From the membership fees we can financial support cultural events, sports events, student exchanges, trips by citizens and familiarisation trips. Our members pay reduced entrance fees for many events with the twin cities or those concerning them. They also profit from reduced prices for citizen trips organized by the Twinning Association.

Membership application form
>> as word-document: Mitgliedsantrag >> as PDF-document: Mitgliedsantrag (both German)

The Friends of the Twinning Association of Mannheim is registered non-profit organisation. Donations are taxe deductible.
The annual fee is determined  by the general meeting. At present it is 30 € per year for individuals, 100 € for legal entities (clubs, institutions companies), 12 € for students and pupils.

Please fill in the application form online, print it, sign it and send it to the following address:
Förderverein Partnerschaften Mannheim e.V.
c/o Stadt Mannheim Abteilung 19.2
Rathaus E5
68159 Mannheim

If you don’t’ want to become a member but would like to support the Friends’ work, you may give us a donation. Please transfer it to the following account:

Foerdervein Partnerschaften Mannheim e.V.
Bank: Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord
IBAN: DE27670505050039019221

We will immediately send you a receipt.
Advisory Board