The management board of the Mannheim Twinning Association (FVSP MA) consists of seven members. It is elected by the General Assembly in 2–year intervals. In addition, the chairman of the advisory board is also a member of the management board as the advisory speakers of the – up to 6 – thematic working groups.
The management board since 2014:
Chairman: Herr Dr. Ludovic Roy
Deputy chairman: Frau Alexandra Kilchling
Deputy chairman: Herr David Linse
Deputy chairman: Herr Tobias Sommer
Secretary: Frau Cornelia Brückl
Treasurer: Herr Mathias Kohler
Press secretary: Herr Hannes Greiling
Chairman advisory board: Rüdiger Finke
Controller: Herr Manfred Shita
Use to get in contact with our management board. You can use this email-address for any matter you may have.
Our address: Förderverein Städtepartnerschaften Mannheim, c/o Stadt Mannheim Abteilung 19.2, Rathaus E5, D-68159 Mannheim